We walked up "A" mountain this week. Every time we pass this popular mountain on Arizona State University's campus the kids ask if we can go up to the "A" and this week we finally did! I am surprised to say that it was Bert and my first time too, especially since we have lived close to it for many years.
The walk up isn't long but, it can be a bit steep in areas. The kids have never really been concerned about the height of a mountain before on a hike but, this time they really noticed it and it frightened them a bit. It isn't all that high actually but, I think the fact that it's surrounded by buildings, roads and a stadium they were more aware of how high we were. Due to the all the height talk I wasn't sure if they enjoyed themselves but, Ethan asked to go again because he wants to touch the "A" next time (he was a little nervous about going any higher then we were this time) so, we have another walk up planned in March. I love getting out and exploring with Bert and the kids.