On the evening of December 26th my friend Egor, my mom and I headed out into the bitter cold (it really was cold - I think it was in 30's brr!) to enjoy the Chihuly: The Nature of Glass exhibit at the Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden. It was well worth the shivering! This is Chihuly's first exhibition in an outdoor desert environment and he was clearly influenced by the desert surroundings and catered many of his sculptures to reflect the imagery of the native plants.
Dale Chihuly is known for his innovative glass sculptures, and his work is immediately recognizable for its grand scale and vibrant colors.
Here are some pictures I took at the garden:
This was a spectacular exhibit and I encourage all those in the area to see it. I would like see this again with Bert and also treat his mom to a visit when she is feeling better. She was supposed to go with us this evening but, an unforuntate fall left her with a broken knee and unable to go.