
happy new year!

Happy New Year 2009! Just because we have kids, doesn't mean we can't ring in the New Year. This year we joined our friends Stacy, Rick and Erica for a special "under 21" party. There was lots of toys, dancing and yummy food. We had our own countdown and balloon drop at 9pm (okay so we have to do things a bit earlier with kids - haha).

Traditions of New Year’s Eve include champagne, parties, dancing, holding your eyelids open until midnight … and making resolutions. I have to say, I love making resolutions and I like doing it all year long not just at New Years. Being the goal-setter and list-maker that I am, that’s not surprising. However, I sometimes get so caught in the fun of making lists and setting goals that I have trouble actually following through on doing them. Now what good is that?

This year I hope to continue in the new paths that I’ve found in 2008 (simplifying, decluttering, financial responsibility, healthy living and calmness). I decided I'd write my personal and creative goals for 2009 here so, I have a place to refer to and look back at.

  • do a sketch crawl
  • create a 3 piece painting series
  • learn to sew to hem the boys pants (just picked up a sewing machine via freecycle!)
  • make prints of past artwork (this will take me one step closer to a major life goal)
  • improve my design by setting time each month for tutorials
  • plan a "date" with each of my boys somewhat regularly
  • spend time in meditation or practicing yoga each week
  • give more and buy less
  • volunteer in some way for a cause I believe in
  • make a living will/ trust
  • explore the art of money management and budget regularly
  • continue going to the gym and eating healthy
  • continue to read lots of books
  • continue to look for ways to "green" our home and the products we buy
  • continue to work on my patience when dealing with my children and daily stresses
  • unsubscribe from email lists I no longer need to read
Many wishes for health, happiness, growth and peace in 2009!