
weekly reflection

I just finished 30 min of Dance, Dance Revolution for the Wii (aka DDR). It is pretty fun and definitely gets you sweating. I also took a hip hop dance class at my gym on wendesday night. Now, that was a lot of fun! The instructor was really energetic, totally enjoys dancing and she threw in a little freestyle time. I love to dance and being that I don't "hit da club" very often, on wednesday nights I'll have some have fun, work it out and maybe learn a new move or two for when I get out on the dance floor! I went to the gym every day this week and did a mix of cardio and yoga and I lost 4 lbs. 4 lbs in 1 week - that NEVER happens and it feels amazing!

In even more amazing news, my friends Chris & Wendy welcomed the arrival of their adorable little boy, Quinn, on Jan 6th! I am so happy for them. He is beautiful and I wish I could visit and give Quinn a little snuggle. But, they live on the other side of the country so, that won't happen anytime soon. Thank goodness for facebook so, we can keep in touch, see pictures and hear stories of their life together.