“There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.” – Freya Stark
March started out with a bang with my RAW Artist Showcase. I was floating on a cloud for a couple of weeks and so full of gratitude for an amazing event. The rest of the month was a steady wave of activity. I posted lots of new work in my Soiety6 and Fine Art America shops. We had a breather in the middle of the month for the kids Spring Break. Although we stayed home and I worked daily, we kept our afternoons open with kid-centric activities and had a great week together. I wrapped up a custom wedding invitation suite and am sending it off today. The design turned out great and reflects the bride and groom and the location of the event wonderfully. I received my first Yoga Journal magazine this month (woo hoo!) and I finally purchased I'd Rather Be in the Studio by Alyson B. Stanfield (double woo hoo!). I am really excited to dig into that book and check out my free trail for a month of the Artist Conspiracy.
March Goals
Business - Profile cleanup. With so many shops and social media outlets I want to spend some time on consistency this month. I need to add my new bio and artist statement to my online profiles and update my profile picture and make sure all available items are posted for sale. Connect online with all the wonderful artists I met at the RAW art show and preschool craft fair. I did a profile overhaul and made them all cohesive with the same picture, bio and artist statement. I have yet to connect with the other artists I met and need to say hello.
Art - finish ladybug painting and begin custom butterfly painting. Ladybug painting is completed and the butterfly painting is in the beginning stages.
Design - complete wedding invitation design, continue work with logo design clients. Wedding invitations completed and shipping out today. I was buried in envelope liners yesterday evening but, I made it through and they turned out great!
Shop - add new jewelry, canvas earrings, note cards, prints to Etsy and also make sure Society6, FAA and Facebook page are all up to date. This is partially updated. I added original artwork, 2 new bracelets and gave my canvas earrings a makeover.
Read - The Dragonfly Effect. I just finished and it was a great read. Refreshing to read about about marketing for social change. The authors, Aaker and Smith, break down popular campaigns that used social media well and explain the hows and whys. The book is very easy to read. The premise is that there are 4 facets of a successful campaign or promotion: Focus, Grab Attention, Engage, Take Action. They liken this to the four wings of a dragonfly that, when using all four of its wings, can fly in any direction, not just forward. The authors present many case studies on how social media can trigger change. Though it's directed at nonprofit organizations, anyone interested in social media would benefit from this book.
Family - Spring Break! See friends, hike, roller skate, watch The Lorax and enjoy a St Patty's Day parade and farmer's market. Had a wonderful Spring Break. Kids declared it the best week ever! So, you can't beat that.
Health - work on not eating after 7:30 pm. I did okay on this. It did stop me from snacking "some" nights. I am going to continue to work on this. I really want to kick my late night snacking habit. I am weak when I am tired!
Soul - continue meditating in the evening, find a video on you tube to help guide me, journal every day. This declined this month immensely. I need to bring my nighttime meditating back. It was really good for me. Journal writing isn't my thing so, if I could journal once a week I would be happy.
Creative Every Day *mixed media* - Suggestions: Create art in a mixed-media style, Film yourself at work and share it, Put on music and draw the way the music makes you feel, Create a collage of found items (junk mail, screws, keys, bits of yarn.), Express yourself in an art journal. I created this mixed media piece, showed my work in progress in this mixed media piece and updated my vision board.
April Goals
Business - Check out www.score.org. They have great resources on their website, and offer free mentoring sessions with a seasoned professional. I need to get my business setup properly for growth. Connect with artist's I met last month.
Art - Begin custom butterfly painting and continue to work on mermaid painting.
Blog - Create a Wedding page. Think about blog series and schedules.
Design - Begin on new wedding invitation design client, continue work with logo design clients.
Shop - Add art necklace, note cards and 8x10 prints to Etsy. Add "Willow Tree" and "Ladybug Flowers" to Etsy, Society6, FAA and Facebook.
Read - Wheat Belly and I'd Rather Be in The Studio.
Family - Celebrate Ethan's 8th Birthday, Easter and Earth Day!
Health - No snacking after 7:30 pm. Start my day with hot water and lemon (somewhere I stopped this). Check out the yoga class at my local recreation center.
Soul - Meditate every evening, journal (written or art) weekly.
Creative Every Day *language* - Suggestions: Let the origins of a word inspire you. Use pages of a book in a mixed media piece. Try expressing yourself through the language of movement. Express yourself in an art journal.

If you would like to join in The Meetup biz goals fun, head on over to Athena Dreams.