We're back from a long and action packed family trip to our hometown in New York. We had a
bit of wonder and many fun adventures with friends and family while we were there. I am having a hard time adjusting back into the real world and feeling pretty homesick right about now. Definitely more so then usual. Being a family of four traveling across the country, we aren't able to visit as often as we'd like. It had been 1 year and 7 months since we had last been to visit. That is really far too long and I fear it may be that long before we go again. And that has me feeling blue. I'm slowly unpacking and getting everything back in place and hope to feel a bit less blue in the process.
You have lots and lots of people that love you guys here too, but I know it is probably hard to be so far from most of your family.
Love you!
Thanks for your kind words, Sara. Love you too! I'm still not feeling like myself but getting there. My return to AZ has been way more emotional then I ever expected.
Although this is little consolation - I too have family on the east coast, and it's far too far from S CA for short visits. I get so sad my boys don't know their cousins very well. I wish we could afford to hop on a plane at least once a year, but alas, it's not to be. At least cheap telephone service and skype make it easier to stay in touch. I remember growing up that long distance phone calls were expensive and therefor something to be only used for "important" news.
Candy we have lots of things in common, don't we?! Thanks for your support. I think seeing my kids with their cousins this trip really hit home for me. My kids are no longer "babies" and really had a great time with their cousins. There are many reasons why we love where we live and I think being out west affords our children a very different outlook then how we grew up in the east. That knowledge is helping me get settle back in. :)
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