Here were my March goals ...
- add magnets to etsy shop - made 50 magnets and sold them all while away! Now I need to make more for my etsy shop.
- finish 3 wedding invitation suites - 1 down 2 to go. All will be wrapped up and sent for printing by the end of this weekend.
- continue 1 web site freelance project - in progress
- buy art materials for new products: chain and pendants - chain bought still need some new pendants
- scooby painting (my first ever pet portrait painting) - in progress
- get to the gym 3-4x a week and get moving in some way the other days - oh boy. Definitely slacked on this one. Keeping this on the list!
- add magnets to etsy shop
- create & package up 50 magnets for communion favors
- continue web site freelance project
- buy art materials for new products: copper pendants
- scooby painting (my first ever pet portrait painting)
- get to the gym 3-4x a week and get moving in some way the other days
Welcome back to real life Kristen! YAY on selling out of the magnets while you were away, and awesome on the pet portrait start. Hope you have a Wonderful month!
Thanks Liz! I am slowly getting back to reality and I mean slowly ;)
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