
heading to jamacia

So, my week wasn't exactly the serene and peaceful one I was hoping for but, it's busyness was filled with much happier events so, I can't complain. Yesterday in particular ended up being a VERY eventful day.
  • We sold our second car! This helped calm the financial storm brewing around us and gave us a little cash to place in savings (even if it is just for a short while). Just what I needed to boost my mood after my rainy day fund post this week.
  • My passport arrived with my brand new (uh, 7 years old) name.
  • We officially booked our hotel reservation and second flight for Jamaica.
Just 2 weeks until my sister's wedding. The excitement is beginning to build! It is going to be a fantastic celebration. I can't wait to be lounging around for 3 whole days in the Caribbean with my husband. We always have such fun together. I really can't wait ... Jamaica here we come!