Last weekend was huge for art in downtown Phoenix.
First Friday and
Art Detour gave art
fans a chance to check out galleries, art studios, tours and hands-on activities for free all weekend. I was honored to have my art on display at the Public (Art) Hanging at
Oasis on Grand. It was a real treat to be exhibited with 40 other local artists. Bert and I attended the Artist's Opening Reception on Friday night and enjoyed the artwork, music and wine. We were so happy to spend time with friends who stopped by to support me. Thank you!
Me and Sadie posing next to my "Into the Trees" artwork on display. Sadie is my friend's daughter and my adorable art agent for the evening. She wanted to be by my side for the evening and happily told people visiting what a nice painting I made and pointed to me out to them as the artist. Thanks, Sadie!
Great music set a wonderful vibe to the evening.
On Sunday, We headed back to Grand Ave with our kids in tow. They were looking forward to seeing their mom's art on the wall! It was really cute how proud they were of me.
Here's our new friend and fellow Oasis on Grand artist, Jason Nye with his amazing acrylic splatter painting "Venice II".
This portrait of Lincoln was wonderful. It was uncanny how it looked so free and effortless up close and super detailed and perfect from afar. Ethan is learning about our presidents in school so, he was happy to see President Lincoln!
Here's a collage of visual delights, we especially enjoyed the Mutant Pinata exhibit! We headed down Grand Ave with a couple more gallery stops before having a picnic and calling it a day.
It was a really nice way to spend a Sunday. I hope you get out and explore art in your neck of the woods. And take the kids! They really love it and it gives them a new perspective on just about everything.