
new painting: autumn leaves

I finished it! My autumn leaves painting is done. This painting spanned one of the longest time periods to date. I started it back in May and finally finished it this week - that's 6 months! Now, I haven't really been "working" on it for all that time. My studio is setup in my garage and being that I live in Arizona, come summer the conditions in my studio make it not very workable (aka it's HOT) . I started the sketch back in May and really waited June-October to begin working on it again. But, boy it seems like I have been "working" on this piece forever.

I created this piece for my aunt, she is also my godmother and very special to me. My relationship with her is one of my most cherished as a child and still today. My aunt requested a painting of any subject matter - her only request was that is used oranges and reds. I just love autumn and so I wanted to used those colors as autumn leaves. My fabulous husband says this is my best one yet (bless his heart - he says that after every painting I finish, thank you honey!). I am really happy with it - I hope my aunt and her family love it too!