Bert, the boys and I along with Bert's mom, Cindy and Tom went to the
fountain hills festival of arts & crafts this weekend. We visited our friends Carla & Mark Mead who own
black mountain jewelry company and were exhibitors at the festival. The are both equally wonderful people as they are talented. It was nice to see them as well as all the beautiful jewelry they create.Carla & Mark will be back in the phoenix area next weekend to exhibit at the
artfest in scottsdale. If you live in the phoenix area this is a nice show to visit. It's at bit mellower then fountain hills and festivals with lots of creative eye candy!

Hudson loved all the music exhibitors "i like that" was his phrase of the day and he found some things to be just "beautiful". Ethan loved all the wooden toy exhibitors at the festival. I believe we stopped at each booth to admire the toys & puzzles and the boys came home with some cool low-tech wooden toys. We are all about simplifying and finding healthier toys these days so, Bert & I were happy to get Ethan the wooden helicopter (aptly named woody) and Hudson the little elephant. Unfortunately, Ethan broke the little wood piece above the propeller holding it in place this morning. I checked my bead box and found a wooden bead. I whittled away the bead hole with an
extaco knife to make it large enough to fit over the
helicopter dowel, glued it into place with non-toxic glue and it is as good as new (if not better! Bert & I agreed that the helicopter looks cuter now with the bead on top).