
march goals

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world." George Santayana

Holy moly, February went flying by! I cannot even begin to express all the good, creative, exciting whirlwind that was February. It was a direct opposite of my slow and reflective Jan. It was fast moving, hyper focused and full of enthusiasm.

It started off with me thinking about my word for the year. I really couldn't pin it down. It was the first time I tried choosing a word and although some popped in my head they didn't stick. So, I stopped trying to force the idea and instead decided to make a dragon necklace to honor the Year of the Dragon. Dragons have always held special meaning to me, I used to draw and paint Chinese dragons obsessively in high school. I painted one on my bedroom door and I wore a dragon pendant all the time (which I still have in my bead stash). I decided to make an asymmetrical, ultra long chain and seed bead necklace with a red, white and gold dragon pendant that I think I picked up at a thrift store some time ago. I love wearing it and feel like it has brought me good luck this month.

The month started with a fabulous new haircut thanks to my sweet husband. I feel great, it is short and cute and easy to manage and looks great most days. Much more then I can say for it before. Then I was invited to the RAW event, I'll share more about this in coming blog posts. I have so much to share about the experience! I spent a wonderful relaxing weekend in Sedona with Bert mid month, hiked A mountain with the kids and finished off the month with a creative and administrative explosion for my fine art in preparation for RAW.Above all that I did pretty darn well on my goals.

February Goals 

Business - work on artist statement, about me, my work, my methods and my philosophy. Done. This took me a few hours of research and about 6 drafts to complete but, I am happy with where it is at. Yeah!

Art - complete willow painting and scan 4 artworks for prints. Done. Not only did I complete the willow painting, I finished "Sanctuary", "Energy and Stillness" and "Tri-Color Feather" paintings and started "Ladybug Flowers" and a mermaid painting. I have scanned almost all my art and had 10 of them made into 8x10 art prints. That right there was an explosion!

Design - continue work with logo and wedding invite clients. Sent off new drafts to design and wedding invite clients. These are all still in process.

Shop - add new jewelry and artwork to shop (10 items!). I did not get this done, I have a bunch of new items to get into the shop.

Read - from passion to profit. Done, it was a nice read. I thought I was going to get some guidance about pricing my work from this but, I didn't. I'm glad I finally got around to reading it though.

Family - a valentine craft with boys, trip to Sedona with my husband. I did not get a chance to make a valentine craft with the kids, we did have a small painting session this month but, really I was so consumed with preparing for my first art show that I was MIA quite a bit. The boys really started to miss me and I think my husband and kids are happy the event is over. The next time I hope to have more time to plan so it's not so much all at once. I did get to Sedona with my husband and that was fantastic!

Health - notice and limit my carb and gluten intake - I noticed but, didn't do anything about it, haha.

Soul - meditate 15 min each night, do something alone and away from home just for me. I meditated most nights this month. I really think it helped. I met my friend Jill for coffee and had quite a bit of time for myself this month creating.

Creative Every Day *night* - constellation artwork, walk in the evening, create at night. I did a lot of nighttime creating but, I was not able to work on the constellation artwork. Another time maybe.

March Goals

Business - Profile cleanup. With so many shops and social media outlets I want to spend some time on consistency this month. I need to add my new bio and artist statement to my online profiles and update my profile picture and make sure all available items are posted for sale. Connect online with all the wonderful artists I met at the RAW art show and preschool craft fair.

Art - finish ladybug painting and begin custom butterfly painting

Design - complete wedding invitation design, continue work with logo design clients

Shop - add new jewelry, canvas earrings, note cards, prints to Etsy and also make sure Society6, FAA and Facebook page are all up to date.

Read - The Dragonfly Effect

Family - Spring Break! See friends, hike, roller skate and indoor rock climb and St Patty's Day parade.

Health - work on not eating after 7:30 pm

Soul - continue meditating in the evening, find a video on you tube to help guide me, journal every day.

Creative Every Day *mixed media* - Suggestions: Create art in a mixed-media style, Film yourself at work and share it, Put on music and draw the way the music makes you feel, Create a collage of found items (junk mail, screws, keys, bits of yarn.), Express yourself in an art journal.

 If you would like to join in The Meetup biz goals fun, head on over to Athena Dreams.