
bread art project

My sunflower toast artwork is on display at the Bread Art Project (and it can be rated by viewers)! The Bread Project was created by the Grain Foods Foundation to help increase awareness of the growing hunger problem in the United States. In an effort to help end hunger in the United States, the Grain Foods Foundation will donate $50,000 to Feeding America. An additional donation of $1 will be made for each piece of bread art submitted.

Click to make your own bread art. Participating in this important initiative helps make the Bread Art Project successful. Because of caring people like you and me, the Grain Foods Foundation on track to help Feeding America provide 1 million pounds of groceries to deserving Americans.

Visit the Bread Art Project

Visit the Grain Foods Foundation

To make an additional personal donation to Feeding America, please visit their website at http://help.feedingamerica.org/gowiththegrain

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