mini red iceberg lettuce from a local farmer
golden pecan pieces from a local pecan farmAfter work, Bert & I picked up the boys and headed to downtown Phoenix to wander through the
Downtown Phoenix Public Market. Every Saturday and Wednesday, at the corners of Central Ave. and McKinley, a lot in the middle of the city becomes a marketplace for the good of local shoppers and their desire for
real local food. We sampled some wonderful treats, saw some beautiful handmade wares and purchased some local food; mini red iceberg lettuce picked right from the ground, cilantro, chopped pecans and homemade whole wheat tortillas (that Ethan sampled 3
x's - he LOVES plain tortillas).
The Market just celebrated its 4
th anniversary, and announced the plans to open a local grocery store on the same property. The store has a green light from the city, hopes to open by June, and will accommodate shoppers six days a week. How cool!

After we returned home and the kids had their baths. We read a book together about Earth Day that I picked up at the library.
Earth Day Birthday (Sharing Nature With Children Book) by Pattie
Schnetzler. It is a sing-along book that honors the animals, the environment, and sung to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas". The book shows 12 North American species in their natural habitats. I read it twice, first time as a sing-along and second time just reading the first part of the rhyme. I enjoyed the second reading better as it left room for the kids to discuss the habitat of the animals and engage with the images.
Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 but, I honestly think this is the first year I have ever celebrated. This is the first of many days our family will take time to celebrate and honor our precious mother Earth!