This months
home theme at
creative every day has been in the back of my mind but, I haven't blogged about it so, here I go ... unloading my mind, the
home of many maddening thoughts, desires and checklists.
When I think of the word
home it brings up many warm and fuzzy feelings of family, love, comfort, encouragement, food, creativity and safety along with the not so warm and fuzzy realities of cleanliness, organization, parenting hurdles and work tasks and pressures.
Who knew thinking about my
home would bring up deep feelings of self worth. I didn't realize it would but, for me it did. When I'm
home I am a mother and a wife, I am also a full time work-from-home graphic designer, a part time freelance designer and a mixed media artist. I spend an immense amount of time at home and the line that separates my work from my home is greatly blurred. My work/home situation is absolutely wonderful in so many ways and I am very grateful for it. But ... there are entire days that I don't leave home. If I take a look around I see many unfinished projects and many more project ideas not yet started, both for my home and work. This can lead to frequent break-downs due to the overwhelming nature of it all (here's where the self worth comes in). I put lots of pressure on myself to do more, clean more, create more, but really I need to just
be home more. I need to allow myself to relax and enjoy my home and my family without all the pressures creeping in.
I love my home and I love my work and I love that I work at home. I wouldn't change the way things are. It's all about balance. Some days balance comes naturally and other days not so much. I guess that is why my home sketch above is busy, rough around the edges, with a lot of heart, balancing on top of a hill. Honestly I didn't realize my feelings about home played into the sketch I made until I wrote this. Amazing how the subconscious works.
To see what others have been working on for the
home theme, just click