It's amazing that I still have more sketches to post from Alpine. Getting away from the everyday and enjoying cooler weather really inspired me. Above is the wonderful wood burning stove from our cabin that Bert lit a few times a day.

I traced the outline of one of the mountains we saw while driving. I wanted to play with negative space.

This view while driving was just so pretty. I think i was too much in awe to really get a good sketch out of this scene.

I did this one looking out the cabin window. The pine trees weren't exactly standing in such a nice row but to me that is how I felt they were at the moment so that is how I sketched them. I really like this sketch and hope to paint it on a larger scale one day.

This is the only sketch that i started in alpine and then finished on the drive home. It started out as the outline of a delicate flower but, after i looked back at it the petals took on the resemblance of ladybugs wings. How fun!