

new painting: breathe

8 x 8 inch acrylic on canvas

My sister and I share a common love for yoga. For her birthday, I wanted to paint something that spoke to our love of yoga and that connection we share. I wrote the words "breathe" as a gentle reminder for her to slow down and relax amidst her busy day. The colors were chosen based on her home's decor.

The lotus pose in yoga takes its name from the position of the feet and legs representing the petals of the lotus flower. Once in this posture, you can use it for meditation, chanting, and pranyama (breathing).

This is my second 8x8 painting and I am really enjoying the smaller format. It's a nice size to work on anywhere in my house and isn't anything in miniature pretty darn cute?!


round my hometown

Bert and I in Williamsburg - Brooklyn

It's been quiet here on the blog and for good reason, I went on vacation! I unplugged for 2 weeks while visiting New York. My husband and I are from Long Island and each year we head back for a family visit. We took the kids lake-side in Connecticut, park-side in NYC and beach-side on Long Island. Bert & I visited Philly, caught a Phish show in New Jersey and strolled around Brooklyn (where I thrifted a fabulous blouse). We celebrated my little sister's 30th birthday, our niece's Bat Mitzvah and Father's day. It felt good to be home with family and friends. Here are some highlights ...

Beauty at Brooklyn Botanical Gardens
Swimming in the lake near our friends home in Danbury, CT
Central Park NYC
My BFF and two of her three girls with me and my boys
My parents and sisters
Phishin' in NJ

Cousins at Sarah's Bat Mitzvah
At the beach!
Round my hometown, memories are fresh
Round my hometown, ooh the people I've met
Are the wonders of my world
~ Adele lyrics from Hometown Glory (one of my favorite songs)


beading with kids

I was on a beading bender last month and had beads all over the living room. My 4 year old son loves to create and he was oooing and ahhhing over my beads. When he asked if he could touch them I replied "Hey! Do you want to string some beads?" He was so excited and got his big brother to join in the fun. I wrote about our first beading experience at Soft Flex Company's blog. Click here to read my guest blog post.


amazing capes!

I bought these amazing capes from a local etsy artisan LiveBeautifulbyDee. Denise is also a friend and custom makes super hero capes for that super kid in your life. My boys have a lot of fun in theirs. I love how the capes inspire their imaginations!

Denise has a sweet little boy diagnosed with Leukodystrophy. She took a long term leave from teaching to stay home with her little guy for therapy, doctors & time for lots of lovin. Her etsy site contributes to her son's medical expenses. Shop LiveBeautifulbyDee in support of Leukodystrophy Awareness.


the orange tree

Here is my last illustration study for Sara & Josh's wedding invitation, this session I focused on the orange tree, oranges and orange blossoms.   

The young girl stood beside me.
I Saw not what her young eyes could see:
- A light, she said, not of the sky
Lives somewhere in the Orange Tree. 

~ from The Orange Tree by John Shaw Neilson


roses are free

More illustration studies for Sara & Josh's wedding invitation, this session I focused on roses.  

Don't believe the florist when he tells you that the roses are free ~ Ween


june biz goals

They say when you put it out into the universe, the universe answers. Last month I said my hope was to act on my inspiration and boy did I. As a person who goes to extremes, I was wrapped up in a flurry of creativity all month. I did quite a bit of painting and beading and listed a bunch of new items in my shop! Now I'm ready to go on summer vacation :)

May Goals
  • S&J wedding invitation design - I began working on floral illustration studies.
  • baby nursery painting - ahoy painting done, mailed to Colorado and super cute!
  • design jewelry with resin art pendants - Created a necklace for a giveaway this month on a super awesome blog which I was really happy about, but I was hoping to get more done.
  • complete 1 new painting - 2 paintings in progress which is awesome, willow tree with tire swing and a small abstract design I still need to blog about.
  • add artwork page to this blog - I added "artwork" and "design" pages and I am feeling fairly comfortable with them. I'm not confident with expressing myself with words and end up over-thinking it a lot. How do you stop editing and decide it's good to go?!
  • get involved with creative every day theme  - I didn't work on the theme but, I did check in and see what other artists are up to and am really happy I did.
  • family art play time - we played with beads
  • setup monthly meal plan - ugh forget it. This isn't happening. 
  • movement - family walks, yoga and dance - I worked yoga into my schedule more this month then I have in a long time, also got to Zumba class last week. It feels good to move.

 June Goals
    • continue work on S & J wedding invitation
    • post new beaded necklace and 2 art resin earrings in shop
    • creative every day challenge check in
    • enjoy two weeks of summer vacation with our families!!!

    Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.
    - John Lubbock

      If you would like to join in the Meetup biz goals fun, head on over to Athena Dreams to read more about how we support one another and how to join in.