

june biz goals

They say when you put it out into the universe, the universe answers. Last month I said my hope was to act on my inspiration and boy did I. As a person who goes to extremes, I was wrapped up in a flurry of creativity all month. I did quite a bit of painting and beading and listed a bunch of new items in my shop! Now I'm ready to go on summer vacation :)

May Goals
  • S&J wedding invitation design - I began working on floral illustration studies.
  • baby nursery painting - ahoy painting done, mailed to Colorado and super cute!
  • design jewelry with resin art pendants - Created a necklace for a giveaway this month on a super awesome blog which I was really happy about, but I was hoping to get more done.
  • complete 1 new painting - 2 paintings in progress which is awesome, willow tree with tire swing and a small abstract design I still need to blog about.
  • add artwork page to this blog - I added "artwork" and "design" pages and I am feeling fairly comfortable with them. I'm not confident with expressing myself with words and end up over-thinking it a lot. How do you stop editing and decide it's good to go?!
  • get involved with creative every day theme  - I didn't work on the theme but, I did check in and see what other artists are up to and am really happy I did.
  • family art play time - we played with beads
  • setup monthly meal plan - ugh forget it. This isn't happening. 
  • movement - family walks, yoga and dance - I worked yoga into my schedule more this month then I have in a long time, also got to Zumba class last week. It feels good to move.

 June Goals
    • continue work on S & J wedding invitation
    • post new beaded necklace and 2 art resin earrings in shop
    • creative every day challenge check in
    • enjoy two weeks of summer vacation with our families!!!

    Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.
    - John Lubbock

      If you would like to join in the Meetup biz goals fun, head on over to Athena Dreams to read more about how we support one another and how to join in.


      1. Anonymous6/02/2011

        yay for splitting your time between work and play! I hope you have a wonderful June :)

      2. Anonymous6/02/2011

        I too LOVE putting things out in the universe, awesome things can happen - hooray!

        Have some awesome vacation time!

      3. I love your quote about rest, Kristen...I think it is a common theme for everyone...I hope to take that quote to heart but my June seems too busy...better work it into the schedule

      4. rest is not idleness, will be my motto for June! Love those creative whirlwinds, they are so much fun to ride... Hope your June is fabulous Kristen, 2 weeks work, 2 weeks holiday, sounds divine.
