Here were my February goals ...
- finish the 3 wedding invitation suites I am freelancing - in progress
- continue work on a web site freelance project - in progress
- buy resin to make magnets - done!
- add magnets to etsy shop - so close! I have the resin poured, waiting for it to cure and then need to glue magnets and post on etsy ...
- buy art materials for new products: new canvas, chain and pendants - bought canvas, still need chain & pendants.
- get to the gym 3-4x a week - continuing to work on this!
- add magnets to etsy shop
- finish 3 wedding invitation suites
- continue 1 web site freelance project
- buy art materials for new products: chain and pendants
- scooby painting (my first ever pet portrait painting)
- get to the gym 3-4x a week and get moving in some way the other days
Yay for the Meetup! It seems like you did a great job with Feb-- here's to March! I especially like your gym goal:)
Thanks Gaia and same to you! You know, that gym goal is the hardest one to fulfill!!! :D
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