My art portfolio postcards arrived! |
Even though I have been quiet on the blog this summer, lots has been happening creatively. August is my birth month and as always I had a bright creative fire burning throughout the month. I wanted to share my process and excitement with you a number of times but, it's been harder then usual for me to formulate my thoughts and write. I know I will regain my writing momentum and sharing here soon.
For my birthday this year I was gifted the glorious device that is the iphone from my wonderful mother-in-law (thanks mom!). I love that I no longer have to carry my camera, plug it into my
husbands laptop, transfer my pictures to a thumb drive and then upload
them to my computer before I can post a picture. So much easier to just
snap and share. With my new phone came the world of instagram! That little camera program is oh so fun. I have been snapping pictures and sharing them on instagram and facebook. If you are on either site I would love to connect with you! You can find me on instagram
@kristenfagan or on facebook at CreativeStash.
Well, here's what I've been up to with my business goals...
August Goals
Business - Send portfolio postcards to printer.
Done! See the beauties at the top of the email. They are actually 10 postcards binded into a mini portfolio. I gave myself the goal of finishing it the week of my birthday as a gift to myself and that finally got them done! Well that and I took a couple days off work to do some personal projects :)
- Complete tree painting, think about reflection painting and whether
it is done. Get both of these professionally photographed. Check out two
art openings.
I completed the tree painting which I titled Illuminated Path, original available here and prints available here. My husband bought me the Illuminated Path iphone case as a birthday gift. I love it! (thanks babe). Reflection painting is also complete and now titled Desert Wash, original is available here and prints available here.
I checked out 1 art showcase and visited a few local places that host
featured artists. It is great to be out and about seeking art. It's
been too long since I have done that.
First in a series of abstract landscapes using a new painting technique |
I started working with a new painting technique of using old gift cards as my paint brush / palette. This has yielded 5 new abstract landscape paintings this month alone. Can you say inspired?! Yes!
Blog - Decide on a wordpress theme.
Moving this to September.
Design - Continue work with clients on wedding day needs and business stationary.
My friend Noel was married this month in New York. I wasn't able to attend but I was there in spirit with the programs shown above) that matched her invitation suite that I designed. I also picked up a new freelance design client that I'm really excited to be working with.
- Post about new additions in the shop to blog and facebook.
I have not been good about this. I have so much I should be sharing! I really need to step this up for September.
Read -
The $100 Startup This was great. I think it lived up to the hype for me. I had to bring it back to the library pretty quickly so, I had to read fast and jot down the notes that jumped out at me and I can see this needing to be re-read again in the near future.
Family - Enjoy kids going back to school, setting new routines and seeing school friends.
Nice to be back on a routine. Kids are happy to have their minds challenged and their social calendars filling up.
- Wheat free, dairy free, drink 64 oz water a day and go to 2 yoga classes with my friend Kandes.
I was pretty good about wheat. I did the best with dairy yet, I got 2 yoga classes and 1 zumba class (yay!) but, that darn water drinking. It's the hardest for me! Overall this year I am down 13 lbs since last August so, I'm a happy camper.
Soul - Meditate, journal (written or art), find some quiet time for myself
. A little meditation and I found some wonderful pockets of quiet time.
September Goals
Business - Compile local shops to approach about my artwork. Work on a holiday postcard.
- Complete new abstract landscapes by sanding, painting sides, adding hanging hardware and scan.
Blog - Decide on a wordpress theme.
Design - Continue work with clients on wedding day needs, business stationary and event promotions.
- Share new additions in the shop. Work on items for Hissyfits Hullabaloo in November.
Read -
The Violets of March.
Family - We have some packing to do as we are moving. I've been in denial, but it's time to face the fact we need to find a new home, pack and move by mid October. Yikes.
- Wheat free, dairy free, drink 64 oz water a day and go to 1 yoga and 1 zumba class.
Soul - Meditate, journal (written or art), continue to check out local art venues.
If you would like to join in The Meetup biz goals fun, head on over to Athena Dreams.