

first day of school + printable lunch box notes

First day of school! My little man was all sorts of nervous and excited this morning for Kindergarten. I wish I could meet him for lunch but, the hubster thinks I should let him experience his first day on his own. I know he's right, so instead I'll let his lunch box note let him know I'm thinking of him.

I tried lunch box notes when Ethan went to Kindergarten and after 2 days he kindly asked me to stop. I guess he didn't think it was cool for him to be getting notes and stickers from his mom as he was a big kid and all. But with Hudson starting school, I had to give it another shot . I browsed pinterest (the best thing since sliced bread, am I right?) and found printable lunch box notes by Lori McDonough of Fresh Picked Whimsy that I thought had a "cool kid" vibe.

Visit Fresh Picked Whimsy to print your own!


  1. Awww, what a nice mom you are! Me - well I'm so lucky both kids packed their own lunches last night! Would they like it for me to sneak in a note? Don't know - unless it had chocolate attached to it! ;-)

  2. Thanks for sharing my lunchbox notes with your readers, Kristen! Best of luck to your boys for the new school year!
    Smiles, Lori
