

ced: life

I have been thinking a lot lately about were I live.  About the places I have lived, where I am now and possibly where I want to live in the future and wanted to pay homage to the houses I have lived in.   They each have a story and place in my life. 

To see what others have been working on this week for the life theme, click here.


  1. fun way to walk down memory lane. :)

  2. It really was! I think I should go over the drawing with pen just to make them stand out a bit more. Thanks for stopping by my blog Stephanie!

  3. What sweet idea. I love these drawings!

  4. Sweet pieces. Gosh, I dont remember what places I lived in before look like....

  5. Anonymous7/21/2010

    These are LOVELY - and you've just placed a awesome idea in my brain for doing something simliar with my past homes - woot THANKS! So NICE to have this creative spark in the midst of this week of CODE! sigh...

  6. Thanks Sandy, Evelyn and Candy! It was really neat to stop and reflect the. Candy, I think your houses may have given me the creative spark to begin with! So happy to return the favor ;)

  7. What a great idea. Your life through your homes! I love your drawings!

  8. Thank you ever so much Beverley.
