

weekly reflection

Hot Cross Buns

We have a house full of kids today ... there's 1, 2, 3, 4! My daycare provider was off today. Being that Bert & I were going to be home and my friend AnnaMarie had to work, we offered to watch her children Tyler (4) and Chloe (1) for the day.

This morning AnnaMarie arrived with her adorable children and some yummy hot cross buns, from our favorite bread bakery, Breadsmith. From Wiki: In many Christian countries, buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, with the cross standing as a symbol of the crucifixion. Sharing a hot cross bun with another is supposed to ensure friendship throughout the coming year, particularly if "Half for you and half for me, Between us two shall goodwill be" is said at the time. How fitting! All of us shared our buns today and ensured another year of friendship!

Ethan, Tyler & Hudson jumping on the bed

Chloe playing with her favorite toy at our house; Hudson's clock puzzle!

Tyler & Chloe both attend the same daycare/preschool as Ethan and Hudson so, they are used to hanging out together every day. So far, we ate breakfast, played trains, rode scooters, played the harmonica, had lunch, dug in the sandbox, played the Wii and it's only 1:30 pm. Whew! I'm ready for a nap and so was Chloe so, that's what she is doing. I just put on Toy Story and the 3 boys are relaxing watching the movie -- hopefully for more then 15 min ;)

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