

happy weekend

Our happy weekend began with Bert's birthday
~Happy Birthday Baby!~

Friday the 13th was Bert's birthday. He woke up to Ethan & I singing "Happy Birthday" and Hudson yelling for Ethan & I to stop singing. Once the song was done Ethan replied "That means it's my birthday next! April 7." Hahaha. Whoa - slow down kiddo let's celebrate dad's birthday first! Bert also awoke with a little gift of strep throat from yours truly ~ sorry!!!

We made a good day of it anyway. I got the kids off to daycare, then we spent the morning relaxing. After some antibiotics, we went shopping for Bert's birthday gift and to see a movie. Bert choose a SimpleTech [re]drive external hard drive, an energy-efficient, resource-conscious external hard drive made with renewable, naturally grown bamboo and recyclable aluminum for his gift and is pretty stoked about it! After shopping we headed to the movies to see Slumdog Millionaire. I didn't know much about the film - other then it was good. Well it was great, we loved it. It was entertaining and powerful.

After the movies, Bert's mom came by for dinner (cheese pizza from our favorite friday night take-out Red, White & Brew ~ yum!) and and an oreo blizzard cake from Dairy Queen (double yum!). Ethan said "This is sooo good. Who made this cake?" The kids love them some birthday cake (and me too)!

Our happy weekend continued with Valentine's day
~ such brotherly love!~

The kids got a jump start on Valentine's day at daycare. Friends exchanged Valentine's cards and treats. They thought this fun candy filled holiday was almost as cool as Halloween. On saturday morning I took Ethan & Hudson to a kids sweet Valentine's day party. The kids played, exchanged more valentines and enjoyed some yummy red snacks ... red apples, strawberry yogurt, fruit punch. The rest of the day the boys and I spent at home cleaning, coloring, playing the wii and having a good time while dad was off golfing with Craig, Steve and Steve's father.

After golf, Bert returned home with a beautiful bouquet of roses and daffodils (my favorite!). The red and yellow looks gorgeous together. Thank you sweetheart!

Ethan said the cutest thing when Bert walked in "aww mom, he really likes you!" How awesome is that.?! He followed it up with "dad, you must have gotten mommy mad." Hahaha! I don't usually get flowers from Bert when we disagree so, I'm not sure where he got that idea.

I created this "why i love you" card for my valentine. I saw this idea on a blog I read called small notebook. I really enjoyed expressing all the ways I love you, Bert.

Ethan has been on point with his quotes this weekend. Let me leave with just one more. Bert got a bit burnt on his head while golfing saturday. He had forgotten his hat and being it was a cool day, he didn't realize he was getting red. But boy did he. When Bert asked Ethan if his head was red Ethan replied: "yeah your head is red! that wouldn't happen to me because I have hair." Gosh - he is too much right now! Babe, I love you and your head just as you are. You are sexy!!!


  1. Anonymous2/15/2009

    You know, it's really wonderful to know that there are happy families out there, and I congratulate you on being one of them. Here's something I was reading earlyer today, I hope you like it.


  2. Sounds like a fabulous weekend! Your family is so cool. Daffodils are my favorite too!

    It was great to see you and Bert in Tucson!!
