

sending love & support

Julie, a friend from my East Valley Hip Mamas Meetup Group, invited us over to her home for a wonderful event. She belongs to a Navy Moms online support group and found out about this website where you can "adopt" a serviceman / woman. There are many men and women who are deployed overseas and are living without many things that we take for granted. Last Friday, we put together care packages to send overseas.

Julie had group members drop things off at her home before the date and the 6 of us that got together to put the packages together all brought donations. We packaged up 12 boxes with food, tea, hot chocolate, condiments, toiletries, magazines, blank greeting cards, books, DVD's and beanie babies (soldiers carry these to give to children they meet while deployed). It was awesome. I am so happy to have helped. Thanks to Julie for getting this together and for all those in the EVHM group who donated time, items & money for postage!

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